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Budo Art

További műveletek


Néhány a weboldalon használt kép a saját gyűjteményemből való a számítógépemről, és már nem vagyok biztos benne, honnan vettem őket. Tehát kérem, ha lát egy képet, amely az öné, és én nem kértem öntől az engedélyét a használatához, vegye fel a kapcsolatot velem, és azonnal leveszem! Előzetesen is elnézést kérek a kellemetlenségekért. 

Some of the images used on this website are from my own collection on my computer, and I'm not sure where I got them from. So please, if you see an image that is yours and I have not asked you for permission to use it, contact me and I will take it down immediately! I apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

All content on the website, such as information, descriptions, articles, images, website graphics or any other individual, original solution is a copyright work (hereinafter referred to as "work") protected by copyright law and the Civil Code.

The authors of the works on our website, unless otherwise stated in the works, authorise the reproduction of their works by copying the original, complete and unmodified content without any special permission. In all other cases, express written consent is required for use.

Reproduction, adaptation, distribution, communication to the public or any other use of the above works by any technical means on any medium whatsoever is prohibited without our prior written consent.

This prohibition does not affect the free use cases, which are, however, only permitted for the users defined by law and for the purposes and to the extent defined by law, or the "knowledge materials" indicated on the site, which may be downloaded free of charge for private use without special permission, but commercial distribution is not permitted. The distribution of "knowledge material" made available free of charge will give rise to proceedings for damages.



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